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2011 | nr 27 | 107--136
Tytuł artykułu

Istota kapitału i wartości marki

Treść / Zawartość
Warianty tytułu
The Essence of Capital and Brand Value
Języki publikacji
Rozważania na temat istoty kapitału marki i jej wartości rozpocznę od wyjaśnienia subiektywnego charakteru wartości. Następnie przedstawię markę jako składnik aktywów niematerialnych i opiszę dwie koncepcje tożsamości marki Kapferera i Upshawa oraz koncepcję kapitału marki (brand equity) Davida Aakera [1991] wyjaśniające źródła jego wartości. W kolejnym punkcie artykułu opiszę rolę marki w procesie tworzenia wartości. W artykule przedstawione zostaną różne techniki szacowania wartości kapitału marki z uwzględnieniem teoretycznego modelu wyceny marki na podstawie wartości rynkowej autorstwa C.J. Simon i M.W. Sullivan [1993]. (fragment tekstu)
This article is the introduction to the research project on a set of 130 companies exploring how the brand equity contributes to gain and maintain competitive advantage and business value creation. The study groupwill cover 130 domestic companies listed on the WSE in the period of 2002-2006. During this period the Polish companies in a favorable macroeconomic environment. The question is whether they were able to take advantage of favorable economic conditions to generate/increase the value of the company and which ones and how they used the brand equity of the company's value creation. Competing consists of a lot of Darwinism. In the maze of perception and subjective value judgments, subject of the transaction role of the brand is essential and what is more, you can hypothesize that it is generic, independent of time and the market sector in which the firm operates. The brand has the ability to generate future income: differentiates, reduces risk and complexity, compensates for pressure on prices and offering added value, reduces pricing flexibility. Mark provides the increase in sales and provides improvement of operating cash flows. With these abilities it can be regarded as a determinant of corporate value and it can be regarded as one of the strategic business activity giving rise to its value. Reflections on the essence of the brand equity and its value begins with an explanation of the subjective nature of the value. Than the article describes the role of the brand in creating the value. Detailed concepts of Kampfer and Upshaw brand and the concept of brand equity by David Aaker explain the source of its value. It is the case of the so-called brand equity, defining it as a set of assets and liabilities associated with the brand, and brand value, a valuation of brand equity. The base of the brand equity is the prospect of making a profit in subsequent periods as a result of investments in individual assets and make the appropriate actions in earlier periods. The article presents the various techniques for estimating the value of brand equity. It should be noted that among the many methods of estimating the value of brand equity the most appropriatemethod seems to be taking into account the impact of the brand to generate future cash flows. In this regard, the DCF methods should be mentioned, and especially economic gains market value (taking into account the theoretical model of brand valuation to the market value by C.J. Simon and M.W. Sullivan, 1993). (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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