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2014 | 91 | cz. 1 | 203--216
Tytuł artykułu

Diuk, król i papież : kilka uwag na temat sporu o legalność objęcia tronu Anglii przez Williama Bastarda w 1066 roku. Cz. I

Warianty tytułu
The Duke, the King and the Pope : A Few Comments on the Discussion Concerning legitimacy of William the Bastard Succession to theTthrone of England in the Year 1066 (part I)
Języki publikacji
It is not a secret that the war between Harold II and William the Bastard, who eventually became William the Conquer, belongs to the most discussed topics. This statement applies especially to the English scholars, who treat the issue as one of the key events in the history of their nation. However, while reading the works of these excellent scientists, one can have the impression that the topic in question was utilized to strengthen the traditional, post-Wig historiosophy. According to its propagators Edward the Confessor neither designated William as his heir, nor did he have power to do so. In addition to that there is an opinion that the last Anglo-Saxon king chose Harold as future king on his death bed. In this part of the paper I raise a few arguments against the traditional interpretations of the sources. In my opinion the thing may well have been different, since Edward was brought up in Normandy and hade personal reasons to fight off Harold's aspirations.(original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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