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Kształt ustawodawstwa stanów nadzwyczajnych w okresie odbudowy państwowości (1918-1921)

Warianty tytułu
State-of-Emergency Legislation in the Period of Reconstruction of Polish Statehood (1918-1921)
Języki publikacji
Na początku artykułu opisano sytuację Polski po 1918 r., kiedy to przywracano byt państwa polskiego. Następnie omówiono instytucję stanu nadzwyczajnego w świetle dekretów Naczelnika Państwa oraz problem ustawodawstwa stanów nadzwyczajnych stanowionego przez sejm ustawodawczy. Na koniec opisano regulacje stanów nadzwyczajnych przyjmowane przez radę obrony państwa oraz instytucję stanu nadzwyczajnego w Konstytucji Marcowej.
The article discusses the legal regulations that were applied by the public authorities at the time of the reconstruction of Polish statehood in the years 1918-1921, to counteract exceptional threats, both military and non-military ones. To describe this type of regulations, the doctrine applies the term state-of-emergency legislation. States of emergency are usually also anchored in constitutional acts, and are recognised as constitutional institutions. Depending on the form of these institutions, i.e. concrete solutions of state-of-emergency legislation, they represent either the monarchical or the republican model. In the former model, the application of measures to counteract a threat is the competence of one (monocratic) state authority. In the republican model, the application of such a measure is the result of the cooperation of several supreme state authorities. The procedure is additionally strictly defined by law, which indicates its guarantee (democratic) nature. In this context it seems relevant which model regulating states of emergency was opted for by the legislation adopted at the dawn of Polish statehood. All the more so as the period of the reconstruction of statehood, as regards the State's constitutional foundations, was the time of the so-called provisional constitution. Two legal acts served as constitutional acts at that time. These were the Decree by the Head of State of 22 November, 1918 on the supreme representative authority in the Republic of Poland, and the Resolution of the Sejm of 20 February, 1919 providing for the continued exercise by Józef Piłsudski of the office of the Head of State. However, neither of the two provisional constitutional acts mentioned states of emergences. Both regulations generally defined the foundations of the State's political system. They aimed to specify the supreme State authorities and their functions. Detailed issues concerning the activities of public authorities, including actions to be taken during states of emergency, remained beyond the scope of the regulations. The type of actions taken was determined by the functions assigned to particular supreme State authorities. In this context, it needs to be recognised that the responsibility to ensure the State safety was strictly within the competence of the executive authorities. Within this respect, the past approach to the issue concerned did not much differ from the present one. The responsibility to react to situations that result in a state of exceptional threat have always been the competence of the executive authorities. If they were to rise to these challenges, the public authorities of the Second Polish Republic had to include appropriate measures within the catalogue of legal possibilities for action; and thus also be able to apply the institution of state of emergency. Therefore, to cater for this need, on 2 January, 1919, Józef Piłsudski, the Provisional Head of State, issued two decrees, one on the declaration of a state of exception and the other on the use of armed forces in exceptional circumstance. These were the first Polish regulations on the issues connected with a state of emergency, although neither of the decrees applied the term emergency. They were not acts which would thoroughly discuss the issues connected with a state of exceptional threat to the State, either. What was significant, nonetheless, was that such acts would be introduced in the legal system of the reviving state at all. Following state-of-emergency regulations were introduced in the years 1919-1921. Special attention should be given to the act of 25 July, 1919 on providing State safety and maintaining public order at the time of war. The adoption of the act itself reflected the legislator's reference to democratic concepts. Subsequent to the passage of the act, the previous regulations passed by the executive authorities (the Head of State) were replaced by the act adopted by the representative authority (the Legislative Sejm). The key solutions adopted in the act were of guarantee nature, characteristic of a democratic state. The act established the maximum period for which a state of emergency could be imposed. What is equally important, the authority to decide to apply this institution, was given to the Council of Ministers that would each time authorise the Minister of Internal Affairs to issue state-of-emergency regulations. The scope of restrictions of civil rights that could be imposed by the Minister of Internal Affairs by means of state-of-emergency regulations, was statutorily defined. In this way, in a statutory act the Sejm would determine the limits of the executive authorities' interference with the civil rights and freedoms. It was also the Sejm that could negatively assess this interference, and take actions to change the minister or the whole cabinet. The solutions adopted in the March Constitution of 1921, i.e. the first complete fundamental law of the Polish Republic, referred to the republican (democratic) tradition. With respect to the introduction of a state of emergency, the Constitution adopted solutions that would restrict the possibilities of misuse of this institution. Firstly, what stemmed from Art. 41 of the Constitution, was the general principle of the government's responsibility to the Sejm. The responsibility also included the situations involving the imposition of a state of emergency (a state of exception or martial law) by the government. Secondly, the suspension of civil rights, i.e. the introduction of one of states of emergency, required the cooperation of the government and the president, as the Council of Ministers was allowed to issue a regulation suspending civil rights only at the consent of the Head of State. Thirdly, the decisions passed by the executive authorities were subject to control by the Sejm, which would assess the need for such a far-reaching interference by the State with civil rights. The Sejm was competent to refuse to enact the regulation by the Council of Ministers, and thus 'annul' the government's decision to introduce a state of emergency. Thus, the institution of state of emergency in the legislation of the Second Polish Republic very soon began to resemble the republican model characteristic of democratic states, which continued to be a steady trend. (original abstract)
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