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2009 | nr 69 | 221
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Benchmarking jako metoda zarządzania wspomagająca controlling przedsiębiorstwa

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Benchmarking as a Method of Management in Controlling of a Company
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Głównym celem pracy jest pokazanie, że controlling, w ramach którego korzysta się z benchmarkingu, wpływa na wzrost efektywności zarządzania przedsiębiorstwem. Ze względu na szerokie zastosowanie benchmarkingu nie można pozostawać konkurencyjnym na rynku, nie wiedząc, jakie są najlepsze praktyki i kto je stosuje. Controlling wspierający zarządzanie musi się kierować przy wyznaczaniu celów porównaniami z najlepszymi w sektorze, kraju, na świecie. (fragment tekstu)
The following dissertation deals with the usage of benchmarking in controlling system in a company. In the study, the main emphasis is put on four areas of organizational structure that are linked to controlling, namely: research and development, purchase, production, and sales. The key assumption of this work is that Polish companies have to be competitive not only in Poland, but also in the European Union and around the world. Thus managers need to apply the most effective tools and systems in order to control their enterprises. In the study it is argued that one of these tools is benchmarking and as far as the system of management is concerned the most appropriate is controlling system. Benchmarking is simply the systematic process of searching for best practices, innovative ideas and effective operating procedures that lead to superior per- formance. The monograph consists of six chapters. The first part is devoted to describing the brief history of benchmarking and pointing out various definitions and meanings as well as specificity of this tool. In the 1970s, the concept of benchmark evolved beyond a technical term signifying a reference point. Xerox Corp. was the first company that used benchmarking and nowadays is perceived as an early leader in benchmarking. It referred to benchmarking in narrow sense that focused primarily on comparisons with its main competitors. During the 1970s and 1980s, benchmarking referred mainly to numerical measurements used to gauge the performance of a function, operation or business processes relative to others. Currently there are many definitions of benchmarking describing this tool as a management tool, tool of controlling, method of management, systematic process. The next part of the chapter contains the methodology of performance measurement on the basis of benchmarking techniques. This part of the chapter addresses several questions, such as: who is the leader in an industry? why is it a leader? why is it the best one? The answers are very difficult, because there is no company applying only the best practices. The content of the chapter is the empirical research contribution of this monograph. The results of research run in Poland and round the world are discussed in this chapter. The author conducted his own research in companies of Lower Silesia voivodship aimed at checking the scope and methods of benchmarking usage. The second part is devoted to describing the brief history of controlling and pointing out various definitions and meanings as well as specificity of this tool of management. The content of the third chapter covers the sources of information used in benchmarking. The fourth chapter explains the role of competitive strategy in the context of benchmarking. Benchmarking databases with data from both internal and external environment are valuable for executives looking to support monthly and even daily decisions. The next chapter provides characteristics of benchmarking uses in four areas: R&D, purchase, production and sales. The rules of benchmarking usage in each area are described as well as the measurement of processes that are subject to comparisons is depicted. (original abstract)
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