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2013 | 3 | nr 1 | 48--58
Tytuł artykułu

EU Citizenship and EU Entities: New Perspectives for Citizens and Companies

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Języki publikacji
The contemporary European Union needs a stronger sense of identity to overcome its existing crises and divisions. Implementation of common European standards requires that the competing interests of Member States be reconciled in order to find a point of balance between the autonomy of legal systems and the idea of the internal market. EU law is constantly changing, which is reflected in the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union constituting the acquis communautaire. In analysing judgments in the area of the EU citizenship and company law, one might discern a clear tendency of the Court of Justice to accentuate an EU identity, which is a source of rights for citizens or companies, independent of particular Member States' legal orders. EU identity manifests itself most strongly in the institution of EU citizenship, but in recent times the Court of Justice has emphasized the importance of identity also in connection with the operation of companies falling under Article 54(1)of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU), which will be the subject of further consideration. (fragment of text)
Opis fizyczny
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