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2013 | 35 | z. 1 European Universities : Changing Roles and Functions in New Environments | 161--178
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The Challenges for Higher Education Research in Poland

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Research in higher education has a short but turbulent history in Poland. This paper tries to address the development of the Polish research on higher education. By doing so, it starts with the reference to philosophical discourse on universities in the 19th and early the 20th century. It discusses first systematic attempts aiming to explore selected aspects of higher education. Furthermore, the paper investigates the reasons behind the expansion of research on higher education in Europe in regards to a growing demand for research based expertise of a new phenomena, namely 'mass higher education'. Most importantly the need for knowledge has also been expressed mostly by national governments which bear the responsibility for higher education policy. In the final section, the paper discusses the rise and fall of higher education research in Poland and in addition it explores possible scenarios of its development in the future. (original abstract)
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