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2013 | 35 | z. 1 European Universities : Changing Roles and Functions in New Environments | 203--218
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University's Third Mission as a Challenge to Marxist Theory

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This article is based on a literature review, and makes an effort to contextualize an emerging stream of higher education research (critical university studies, Marxist higher education research), to mark some challenges posed by the rise of the university's third mission to the Marxist theory of education, and finally, to modestly contribute to this new stream of research by proposing a brief conceptualization of these third mission activities as seen from a Marxist perspective. In its first section, the article traces the emergence of the comparative higher education research and the variety of topics that it addressed during its' institutional development, to focus on the conceptualisation of the relation between universities' third mission activities and NPM reforms of the higher education sector in the second section. Then, in the third and fourth sections the rise of the critical university studies and its Marxist branch is discussed. In the final section article presents a potential typologization of the universities' third mission activities from the Marxist perspective. In final section it concludes that Marxist tradition brings to the table of the higher education research a complex and subtle conceptual machine for the analysis of labour relations within and without the academic workplace, and that it could be successfully deployed in the analysis of what Christine Musselin calls the late industrialisation of academic activities. (original abstract)
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