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2014 | Global Business Towards New Paradigm in Time of Crisis | 248--260
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Identity and the Professional Millennial Woman - a Cross-Cultural Examination

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As more than 40 million Millennial women in the United States begin to transition into their 30s (Prosumer Report, 2010; US Census, 2010), it remains unclear how the growing influence and buying power of this new generation of women will impact the marketplace. This uncertainty is compounded by the lack of cultural agreement regarding roles and responsibilities of educated professional woman regarding work, family and personal development. In the US, for example, full-time motherhood is perceived by some to be an antidote for social ills, while doting "hover or helicopter" parents are at once blamed for raising a generation of entitled American youth (e.g., Tyler, 2007) and praised for helping students to be more successful (Aucoin, 2009). Even the popular notion of work-life balance is under fire as an emerging group of highly successful working mothers characterize early career sacrifices to prepare for future family responsibilities to be self-sabotage (Cassens-Weiss, 2011) and a betrayal of the women's movement of the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s (Sandberg, 2011). This shifting cultural landscape comes at a time that women across the globe are becoming more educated and finding greater opportunity to be financially independent compared to their mothers and grandmothers than any time in recent history (see Figure 1). Even in countries like Poland where it was taken for granted that women would work outside the home in the latter part of the 20th century, there remain "very strong cultural and religious historical stereotypes, enforcing the role of motherhood and the importance of beauty [resulting in] a mixed picture, between something forward looking and something quite unreconstructed" (Williams, 2011, p. 23). Additionally, despite the communist dictated equality of women and men of the late 20th century, there are indications that there is a downside for women in the free economy in terms of salaries and equality in the workforce that is more reminiscent of the challenges described by American women (Williams, 2011). (fragment of text)
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