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2012 | nr 203 | 151
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Degresywna proporcjonalność a kształtowanie składu Parlamentu Europejskiego

Warianty tytułu
Degressive Proportionality versus Shaping the Composition of the European Parliament
Języki publikacji
W niniejszym opracowaniu skupiono się na sytuacji, gdy dobro jest jednorodne i niepodzielne. Klasycznym problemem tego typu są proporcjonalne metody podziału mandatów, stosowane w systemach wyborczych wielu państw demokratycznych, w tym również w Polsce. Celem tych metod jest osiągnięcie sytuacji, gdy każdy wyborca jest reprezentowany tak samo, a każdy mandat odpowiada tej samej liczbie wyborców. Praktycznie jest to nieosiągalne ze względu na niepodzielność dobra, jakim jest mandat. Chodzi tylko o to, aby uzyskać wynik jak najbliższy pożądanej sytuacji. Warto podkreślić, że zbiegają się tu trzy wymienione wcześniej koncepcje sprawiedliwości. Po pierwsze: każdy wyborca i każdy kandydat na posła jest traktowany tak samo. Po drugie: na poziomie list wyborczych realizowana jest idea proporcjonalności. Wreszcie po trzecie: najczęściej stosowane metody proporcjonalne, czyli metody dzielnikowe, są oparte na funkcjach priorytetu. W ostatnich latach powstała nowa koncepcja sprawiedliwości - zasada degresywnej proporcjonalności, zdefiniowana przy okazji przydziału mandatów do Parlamentu Europejskiego, aczkolwiek używanie metody degresywnej nie jest całkiem nowym pomysłem. Stosuje się ją jako jeden ze sposobów naliczania amortyzacji środków trwałych z założeniem, że zużycie środka trwałego następuje szybciej w pierwszym okresie jego używalności. (fragment tekstu)
The European Union has to make its representation in accordance with democratic rules. An important issue is to determine the composition of the European Parliament. However, the solutions adopted so far are inadequate, primarily because of degressive proportionality principle which is vaguely formulated in the Lisbon Treaty. It gives too much discretion in shaping the composition of the parliament. The best solution is to agree on a simple mathematical formula or algorithm that would avoid lengthy negotiation mandates before the next term of the parliament. The dissertation proposes two solutions of the problem. On one hand, it emphasizes significant instability of the composition of the European Parliament. This is mainly due to the inflow of new countries to the Union. A big problem are the demographic changes taking place in countries that have already joined the European Union. It may be indeed proved that the distribution of seats complying with the principle of degressive proportionality at the beginning of the parliamentary term, does not comply with it at the end. It involves the need for new negotiations and all related problems. Thus the work defines the concept of demographic stability, and proposes a factor - stability measure. It allows to choose from a lot of different degressive divisions the one that is stable for two consecutive terms of the parliament. Moreover, such methods prove that the division of seats meet the additional condition that the most and the least numerous states in the European Union will receive a fixed number of seats. The tool that was used here is the adjustment function. A group of adjustment functions, which could lead to degressively proportional divisions, is shown. This method was tested for two examples of adjustment functions. It occurred that the principle of degressive proportionality was satisfied only in the weak sense. Then the modification, called cumulative method, was proposed, which combines a group of countries with similar number of people. The method was tested on four examples, two of which were successful. It is worth noticing that with the increasing number of the EU member states the difficulties in determining the degressively proportional PE configurations will grow, which will retain the current boundary conditions (number of seats for the state from 6 to 96, the total number of seats not higher than 750), because there are still a lot of countries which would like to join the European Union. Especially if 96 seats were kept for Germany, the division would be almost proportional. It is also worth remembering that the conditions determining the proportionality of the diminishing balance in conjunction with a request that the total number of seats is fixed, in some cases can lead to contradictions. Therefore for some time one has to accept a weaker version of degressive proportionality. Nowadays, there is no such a need, provided that the degressively proportional divisions will be created directly from the definition. The example of demographic data from 2006 shows that 22 from 27 European Union member states can receive different number of seats. According to the additional assumption that the least numerous country should receive no more than 7 seats, the maximum number of states with different number of seats is equal to 21. The dissertation gives also examples of degressively proportional divisions to pursue the maximum number. Then, a proposal for a division method, called recursive method, is given which gives an objective algorithm with allows for obtaining degressively proportional divisions. This method guarantees that the least numerous state (Malta) receives (in accordance with the Treaty of Lisbon) 6 seats, and the total number of seats is as close as possible to 750 (but it cannot exceed 750). If the seats remain unallocated, the proposed method of division is the most favourable for the countries having the least seats. The dissertation is ended with the proposal similar to the previous called reverse recursion. It, in turn, pays attention to the fact that the most numerous state (Germany) obtains 96 seats, and the least no less than six. If the total number of allocated seats is lower than 750, the distribution of excess is proposed. (original abstract)
Słowa kluczowe
Opis fizyczny
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