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2012 | nr 207 | 229
Tytuł artykułu

Analiza duration w ocenie ryzyka stopy procentowej portfeli instrumentów finansowych o stałym dochodzie

Warianty tytułu
Duration Analysis in the Assessment of Interest Rate Risk for Portfolios with Fixed Income Financial Instruments
Języki publikacji
Głównym celem pracy i przeprowadzonych na jej potrzeby badań empirycznych jest kompleksowe poznanie, wyjaśnienie istoty, właściwości oraz możliwości wykorzystania dynamicznej metody badania ryzyka stopy procentowej instrumentów finansowych o stałym dochodzie, jaką jest analiza duration. Niniejszą metodę zaprezentowano w pracy w aspekcie metodologicznym, historycznym i empiryczno-aplikacyjnym. Jeżeli chodzi o aspekt metodologiczny, to w pracy omówiono, na podstawie szerokich studiów zagranicznej i krajowej literatury przedmiotu oraz analizy przypadków, metodykę oceny ryzyka stopy procentowej za pomocą analizy duration zarówno pojedynczych instrumentów o stałym dochodzie (dyskontowych i procentowych), jak i ich portfeli. Najważniejszym celem cząstkowym na tej płaszczyźnie badań jest zrozumienie istoty, właściwości i możliwości praktycznego wykorzystania metody omawianej w pracy. (fragment tekstu)
The paper concerns the duration analysis as a tool to measure interest rate risk for debt financial instruments with fixed earnings as well as their portfolios. The topic is particularly important at present due to the ongoing economic crisis, which has affected a number of economies worldwide, including Polish. Changing circumstances have forced businessmen to use tools that enable transparent and fast identification of risks related to running a business, including those coming from interest rates fluctuations. The significance of this topic is even more important as the duration analysis has been used in the banking sector as a result of legal regulations implemented across EU by Revised International Capital Framework - Basel II regime. According to current standards the method constitutes a viable technique to detect interest rates fluctuations risks in banks. With the use of duration analysis, as one of dynamic methods, which takes into consideration the discount account, it is possible to conduct a fairly precise estimation of the interest rates risk for financial instruments, which are characterized by a fixed nominal earnings. This paper reviews the study devoted to the duration analysis up-to-date and points out the applications of method, including the limitations and advantages of using it for forecasting interest rate risk. The main aim of the following study is to present the methodological, historical and empirical application aspects of examining the interest rate risk for financial instruments of fixed earnings with the use of the duration method. The paper consists of introduction, six chapters and a conclusion. Moreover, the paper has rich additional material consisting of six appendixes. The first five chapters constitute the theoretical framework for the study. Chapter six is a typical empirical chapter in which a practical application of the duration method in estimating interest rates risk is analyzed based on data from a Polish cooperative bank. Chapter one discusses the financial market and its individual segments. The characteristics of financial instruments are presented and they are classified according to various criteria. In particular, bonds are discussed in great detail being the most important debt financial instruments traded on the financial market. Chapter two outlines the characteristics of debt financial instruments. It presents earnings and investment risk in the case of instruments with fixed earnings, discussing in detail the components of earnings, risk of interests rate change and final value of such an investment. A systematic concept of duration as a method enabling to limit the risk of interest rate fluctuation is examined in chapter three. Chapter four, which has got both conceptual and theoretical elements, outlines the duration analysis as a tool to create an investment portfolio of fixed earnings immunized against fluctuations in interest rates. The fifth chapter (theoretical one) presents the evolution of the duration concept from an introduction of a modified measurement for a single instrument and portfolio, to the analysis of risks for interest rates where changes in term structure apply. The last chapter of the paper is empirical in nature. The interest rate risk of balance sheet items with fixed interest rates are examined by comparing the findings of the duration method with the results obtained with the use of traditional gap analysis of maturity mismatch. Moreover, it establishes what indicators, such as the solvency ratio in various scenarios and the level of the bank's internal capital in the circumstances of fluctuating interest rates, are important for banks. In conclusion the effectiveness of the duration method in business practice as a tool to limit the risk of interest rate is critically evaluated. Limitations to the duration analysis, where non-flat yield curve is considered, are presented. Furthermore its structural instability is outlined. The paper stresses vast importance of the duration method for controlling interest rate risk in which portfolios of not fully immunized debt financial instruments with fixed earnings are considered. General conclusions are also formulated resulting from the studies of the literature and empirical examinations which are crucial to verify the thesis outlined in the paper. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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Zgłoszenie zostało wysłane

Musisz być zalogowany aby pisać komentarze.
JavaScript jest wyłączony w Twojej przeglądarce internetowej. Włącz go, a następnie odśwież stronę, aby móc w pełni z niej korzystać.