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2015 | nr 4 | 30--38
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Creativity in Management - Correlates Symptoms as Determinants of Success

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The aim of this publication is to determine the correlates of creative and transgressive behavior in the context of the model of the determinants of creative management. The aim of this study was to verify empirically the relationship between the symptoms of creative features (cognitively and characterlogically) and indicators of transgressive behavior. The determinants of subjective qualities of creative and transgressive behavior are analyzed in this article. The author has adopted the assumption about a role of transgressive behaviors in dynamics of creative behaviors (creative resources). The following set of methods has been applied in the research: 1) Questionnaire of Creative Behavior KANH (Popek, 2001; Popek, 2010); 2) Scale to Measure Transgression (STr), (Studenski, 2006). Activity, predominance, courage and high selfesteem - main indicators of functioning a man with a high level of subject creative features - have proved to be significantly correlated with transgressive indicators of behavior. Subject of creative features expressed in a creative attitude coexists with transgressive behaviors: pro-creative motivation in searching for changes, nonconformism, focus on activity and overcoming problems, openness and courage to take up new tasks, innovation and acceptance of novelty. The resulting configurations of features in a range of variables (characteristics of creative and transgressive behavior) correspond to factors conditioning the success in business and management. To a little extent the previous studies took into account the subjective features recognized as creative (in the cognitive and characterological sphere) and their relationship with predisposition for transgressive behavior. The obtained results of research could contribute to the existing scientific achievements in the field of management of important determinants and correlates with subjective features ensuring success. It is defined by a transgressive action - as a kind of activity type to be changed. Subjective characteristics of the creative (creative assets) increases the efficiency of the action. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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