Warianty tytułu
EU Trade Policy After the Global Economic Crisis
Języki publikacji
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie kierunków rozwoju polityki handlowej Unii Europejskiej w trudnych warunkach makroekonomicznych jako skutków światowego kryzysu gospodarczego. (fragment tekstu)
The study presents the adverse developments in the global economydominantafter2008., Which led to an increase inprotectionist tendencies in the commercial policy of the European Union, as a response to the increasing importance of emerging markets in international trade and the adverse macroeconomic indicators in the Member States. In the last decade there has been a shift in trade policy of the European Union, to move away from multilateralism in favor of regionalism. The development was characterized by trends of EU trade policy and the possible strategies in multilateral fora (WTO) and the EU.(original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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