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2013 | t. 14, z. 8, cz. 1 Dylematy rozwoju przedsiębiorczości w aspekcie regionalnym | 255--269
Tytuł artykułu

From the Practice of Special Economic Zones (SEZ) to Clusters

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The article presents the priorities of restructuring and economic development of the region based on the convergence study of the cluster, SEZ and supply chain conceptions. On the basis of the analysis of convergent and divergent features between a cluster which were established within a certain SEZ, and supply chains the conclusion was drawn that the establishment of SEZs and clusters on their territory on the grounds of the conception of supply chains management, forms the potential for the transformation of clusters into the operational instrument for the regional policy of sustainable development in Ukraine. The typology scheme of the cluster as a chain (network) of supplies in SEZ reflects the system of interconnections between these structures. The scheme provided illustrates two features: the central position in a SEZ is occupied by the cluster which from the standpoint of logistic conception is a supply chain (network) function; the typology of a cluster as a supply chain (network) in a SEZ allows to trace the direction of potential effects generated by the cluster, both inside or outside the SEZ, which actively influences the formation of investment attractiveness of the region and its competitiveness. The conclusion was drawn that the approach to regional economy development based on the convergence study of the cluster, SEZ and supply chain conceptions will allow to mobilise the growth factors of added value in the region due to the integration of a supply chain (network) business processes within a cluster on the grounds of a logistic conception as well as due to taking advantage of the benefits and capabilities of each of the aforementioned structures. (original abstract)
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