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2014 | nr 248 | 279
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Marketingowe zarządzanie ceną w przedsiębiorstwie

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Marketing Price Management in an Enterprise
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Przedmiotem zainteresowania autora są różne obszary marketingowego zarzą- dzania ceną, zarówno w przedsiębiorstwach, jak i wśród nabywców dóbr oraz usług. Autor reprezentuje tu podejście holistyczne, co oznacza, że proces ten tworzy pewną złożoną całość, podlegającą pewnym prawidłowościom, której nie można sprowadzać tylko do sumy ich części składowych. Ostateczne decyzje cenowe są efektem wielu działań podejmowanych, z uwzględnieniem różnych uwarunkowań, przez ośrodki decyzyjne wewnątrz przedsiębiorstwa, które nie zawsze efektywnie ze sobą współpracują. Podstawowym celem pracy jest przedstawienie różnych aspektów procesu marketingowego zarządzania cenami składającego się z decyzji strategicznych i operacyjnych wraz z jego uwarunkowaniami i skutkami. W warstwie teoretycznej celem jest również uporządkowanie rozproszonej wiedzy z zakresu podejmowania decyzji cenowych w wybranych obszarach. Cel empiryczny natomiast to identyfikacja i ocena obszarów decyzji cenowych na podstawie badań polskich przedsiębiorstw. Podstawą tak sformułowanych celów pracy był następujący proces badawczy: - identyfikacja miejsca ceny we współczesnym marketingu i procesu kształtowania cen w przedsiębiorstwach z uwzględnieniem uwarunkowań i specyfiki zarzą- dzania ceną na różnych rynkach, - scharakteryzowanie niektórych metod badań cen opartych na wtórnych i pierwotnych źródłach informacji, - rozpoznanie i analiza problemów marketingowego zarządzania cenami, w tym szczególnie w kontekście zarządzania produktem, komunikowania i percepcji informacji cenowych oraz postrzegania uczciwości cen, - identyfikacja i analiza procesów marketingowego zarządzania ceną na poziomie strategicznym zachodzących w polskich przedsiębiorstwach wraz z oceną ich skutków, - identyfikacja i analiza operacyjnych aspektów decyzji cenowych.(fragment tekstu)
Price management is one of the most important processes in the area of marketing in modern enterprises and organizations. Pricing decisions increasingly take into account changes in modern marketing concepts, so they are not only a factor in the selection, but also contribute to building the lasting relationship with customers being an important part of the process of value development. The benefits that the recipient gets of the acquisition of the product at a given price are the basis for his loyalty to product, company and brand. Pricing is a very complex process and managers use various formulas, theories and strategies. The focus of the author's interest was the price in the different areas that make up the process of managing of this marketing mix tool, which relates to both businesses and buyers of goods and services. The author represents here a holistic approach, which means that this process creates a complex whole, subject to certain regularities which cannot be reduced only to the sum of their component parts. Final pricing decisions are the result of many actions taken by the decision makers within the company, not always effectively working together. The primary aim of this study was to present various aspects of price management of the marketing process and its determinants and consequences as well as the assessment of the effects of this process for the functioning of present-day market entities. The theoretical aim was also to organize the dispersed knowledge of making pricing decisions in some areas and empirical identification and evaluation of areas of pricing decisions on the basis of Polish companies. Extensive literature studies made it possible to isolate a number of patterns and generalizations of price management in companies and their perception by buyers. It was noted in particular that the success of a particular model of price management affected especially the ability to communicate any changes in environment and perceptions of prices were largely dependent on the current market situation and the context in which the price was presented. Because of the great diversity of market processes it is difficult to define process of price formation in enterprises reduced to one model, but in any case it is necessary to take into account both the strategic and the operational dimension of price management. Empirical studies identified the primary method of setting prices in Polish companies which is a method based on the relationship between supply and demand. The analysis of the strategic choices of price at the Polish companies allowed the author to conclude that most companies use neutral pricing strategy, leaving price competition in favour of competition in other areas. Strategic pricing decisions are, however, very different even within a single industry or among seemingly very similar undertakings. This is particularly visible at commercial chains, which also clearly shows that the strategic price choices do not become an obstacle to the wide ranging process of development of relationship between the price and the range diversity and purchasing conditions. Polish companies with richer and richer set of methods and techniques in their price management draw attention to the importance of the external environment. For it seems that the treatment of prices as an important part of the process of an enterprise will depend primarily on the importance of price in the current market circumstances. In this context many companies emphasize the legal conditions directly or indirectly affecting both the process of setting prices, as well as the freedom to choose the companies to this extent. Any restriction of the market mechanism by political or legal system has its consequences also in the weakening of functions performed by the prices of the companies. This applies particularly to smaller companies with limited flexibility and fewer opportunities to adapt to new conditions requiring for example bearing the additional costs.(original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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