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2015 | nr 4 (192) | 529--548
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The Process of Becoming an Active Disabled Person - the Psycho-Social Mechanisms of Sport's Influence on Physically Disabled Individuals

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Języki publikacji
The article raises the notions of changes that take place in the life of a physically handicapped person which are caused by their engagement in a sports activity. In the article I make an attempt to reconstruct the detailed mechanisms of sport's influence on the life of a physically handicapped person, pointing to the manner in which physical activity supports the reconstruction of self-perception, a redefinition of their role, and the acquisition of a cognitive perspective of people meaningful to the individual. I refer to the subjective perspective of those researched, rendering their own point of view into the major subject of analysis. Hence, the research exploits qualitative data, collected during in-depth free interviews and observations conducted among the disabled practicing sports. Analysis and interpretation of the research material was performed in accordance with the procedures of grounded theory.(original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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