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2016 | t. 17, z. 3, cz. 1 Desarollo regional : Modelos, actores, gestión | 37--52
Tytuł artykułu

Cooperar para Innovar, el Caso de las Iniciativas Clúster del Sector TI de Sinaloa, México

Treść / Zawartość
Warianty tytułu
Cooperation for Innovation : The Case of IT Sector Cluster in Sinaloa, Mexico
Języki publikacji
International organisms as the World Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank, as well as governments of several countries promote clusters initiatives based on the evidence of a positive impact on regional development of several clusters, these initiatives aim to contribute with an initial platform for competitiveness and innovation impulse of a specific sector. This paper presents advances of a wider research focused in knowing the relationship between the variables: cluster, social capital, and innovation. The units of analysis are the firms of IT clusters initiatives of the state of Sinaloa, Mexico. First data shows some advance in the social capital integration of studied firms by increasing stakeholder interaction; however, we found limited collaboration acts to innovations development. Thus, there are advances in stakeholders interactions thanks to cluster integration, but the lack of cluster consolidation limits both the development of social capital and the possibility to generate more innovation and on a larger scale. (original abstract)
  • Universidad De Occidente, México
  • Universidad Autónoma De Sinaloa, México
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