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This paper deals with the efficiency of insolvency proceedings in various countries. The analysed characteristics of insolvency proceedings are recovery rate, time and costs spent on solving the insolvency case. The paper's analysis stems from the results of the survey done by the World Bank and the International Finance Corporation under the Doing Business project. The survey provides qualified expert estimates of the efficiency of insolvency proceedings by individual countries in the whole world. Our analysis is based on 12 groups, each containing 5 countries (in total 60 countries). These groups are distinguished according to their level of economic development and territorial circumstances. The aim is to map mutual relationship between the wealth of a country (measured by GDP per capita) and the main results of insolvency processes represented by the recovery rate. The results of this paper prove that the relationship between the recovery rate and the wealth of a specific country exist. The correlations are also observed between basic characteristics of insolvency proceedings (recovery rate, time and costs). (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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- University of Lodz, Poland
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