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Our paper deals with the specific aspects of immigration and the effects that the integration of immigrant groups may have in the national income. Through an appropriate analysis, this research attempts to provide a description of the immigration phenomenon in the EU, the consequences of it in the labor markets and the relation with the distinct integration policies implemented by the EU countries. Since the European Union enables free mobility among its Member States, certain EU countries have become attractive destinations because of the working conditions and/or employment opportunities. As a result, some EU nations have experienced the inflow of large amount of immigrants and disturbances on their labor markets. With regard to the above, the concept of immigration surplus stipulating that immigration phenomenon might trigger off a process of redistribution of wealth that could in turn enhance the volume of production and increase the national income can be applied for analyzing these processes. In addition, we find that deeper integration of immigrants into host countries can lead to higher levels of economic success. Therefore, we conclude that the high level of integration may lead to an increase in the immigration surplus of the host countries. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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