nr 2 Międzynarodowe uwarunkowania rozwoju układów lokalnych i regionalnych = International Determinants for the Development of Local and Regional Systems
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The objective of this paper is to present examples of local regions represented by Polish communes that demonstrate entrepreneurial activities within competition for investors, tourists, and inhabitants at regional investment markets. I will present local regions of different location, size, functional type, and potential investment attractiveness that were the best in their class within the research sample studied. I decided to perform multilayer research on 50 communes in Poland using electronic audit research method, mystery client research method, and benchmarking of communes within their subpopulation types. Within the research 10 communes that are the best in their class have been selected. Identified activities of the best in class communes are presented and enable to form recommendations of applicable character for local regions aiming to improve their competitiveness in attraction, and retention of investors, tourists, and inhabitants.(original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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