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Widoczny [Schowaj] Abstrakt
Liczba wyników
2003 | 10 | nr 1007 | 182--190
Tytuł artykułu

Rynek instrumentów pochodnych

Warianty tytułu
Derivatives Market
Języki publikacji
Instrumenty pochodne (derywaty) są instrumentami finansowymi, których wartość zależy od wartości instrumentów podstawowych (aktywów bazowych). Oznacza to, że ceny derywatów na rynku zmieniają się wraz ze zmianą cen aktywów bazowych, którymi mogą być zarówno instrumenty finansowe (rzeczywiście istniejące, np. akcje, obligacje, bony skarbowe lub abstrakcyjne, np. stopa procentowa, indeks giełdowy), jak i szeroko rozumiane towary. (fragment tekstu)
Derivatives are financial instruments, which value depends on the value of other instruments, called underlying assets. It means that the prices of derivatives change along with a change of the prices of underlying assets, which can be both financial instruments (interest rates, currencies, bonds. shares, exchange indexes) and commodities (for ехаmрlе: copper, gold or silver). There are many types of derivatives, however more often than not these financial instruments are divided into four basic groups, namely forward contracts, futures contracts, options and swaps. Financial derivatives are not new; they have been around for years. A description of the first known options contract can be found in Aristotle's writings some 2,500 years ago. However, significant development of derivatives market falls on the seventies, due to a number of reasons: the collapse of Bretton Woods System, deregulation of interests rates in the United States and other countries, oil crisis and large volatility of companies shares. The types of institutions that participate in derivatives activity fall into several categories. Taking into consideration motives, there are three types of participants, namely hedgers, speculators and arbitrageurs. Моrеоvеr, the participants in derivatives activity vary somewhat depending on the type of derivatives transaction. (original abstract)
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