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2013 | nr 2 | 78--87
Tytuł artykułu

How to Optimize Public Spending on Antihypertensive Treatment in Poland - an Example of Rationalization Analysis

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Background: Approximately 13% of global deaths are assigned to high blood pressure. ACE-Is and ARBs belong to most frequently prescribed classess of antihypertensive treatment. Recent meta-analyses have confirmed lack of evidence for predominance of ARBs over ACE-Is. Nevertheless, in Poland ARBs remain premium priced and better reimbursed compared to ACE-Is. Objective: To assess economic impact of combining existing separate limit groups of the RAAS inhibitors into one group. Presented analysis is an example of rationalization analysis - a new type of analysis introduced by the reimbursement law 2011. Methods: Reimbursement spending in one year horizon was assessed in two scenarios, assuming separate and common limit groups for ACE-Is and ARBs. List of products analysed and their unit prices are based on MoH listing of reimbursed drugs for 1 July 2013. Yearly volume of reimbursed packs was based on the most recent available data ie. NHF reports May 2012 to April 2013. Results: Yearly savings from the public payer perspective is estimated at 155 mln PLN, a significant fraction (2.3%) of the actual spending on drug reimbursement. Average cost of reimbursement of a monthly therapy using ACE-Is and ARBs is estimated at 2.22 and 3.85 PLN respectively, as compared to 2.35 and 10.85 PLN prior to the change. Conclusion: Combining ACE-Is and ARBs into a common limit group could ensure significant savings for the payer without compromising public health. Existing clinical evidence suggests that current practice of financial preference of ARBs over ACE-Is may lead to suboptimal allocation of the public resources.(original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
  • Medical University of Warsaw, Warszawa, Poland
  • Medical Department, Servier Polska, Warszawa, Poland
  • Medical Department, Servier Polska, Warszawa, Poland
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