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2016 | 7 | nr 3 | 57--70
Tytuł artykułu

The Concept of Competitive Advantages : Logic, Sources and Durability

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Purpose: The main purpose of this article is to present theoretical assumptions of the concept of competitive advantages and main problems connected with the same. Most of all, the article outlines issues, which are presently discussed in the field of management sciences, including sources of competitive advantages, causal ambiguity and character of durability of competitive advantages in the contemporary turbulent business environment. In the author's opinion, the issues have a great significant for the practice of management.

Methodology: The article has been written following a careful review of leading literature of the subject and in accordance with the logics of resource-based view.

Conclusions: The concept of competitive advantages is commonly used for the purposes of analysing above-average results of enterprises in a competitive market. However, the contemporary changes in environments of organizations make competitive advantages become more and more complex and relationships between sources of the advantages and results activities more and more inobvious.

Originality/value: The article contributes to further discussion on concept of competitive advantages. Paradoxically, the problems are not developed sufficiently in management sciences. Due to dynamic changes occurring in environments of enterprises, it is necessary to update knowledge in this field on a regular basis. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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