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The concept of sustainability has become one of today's most widely used and controversial concepts. It is therefore important to develop activities within organizational context in order to increase co-workers understanding of the goals for more sustainable practice. To produce goods and services, e.g. that is to meet our needs and still remain within the limits of the carrying capacity of nature and the ecological integrity and contributes to society's well-being, is a big challenge for all organizations. One way to start to deal with the problem and define sustainability at the operational level is to discuss goals and meaning of them in groups. While discussing we shape our understanding of the meaning of the goals and this in turn even shapes our understanding of assignment in whole. Most importantly do this collective learning even shape our understanding of responsibilities in working towards more sustainable practise. This paper aims to study how co-workers through collective learning processes and discussions together can create more sustainable practice. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- Uppsala University, Sweden
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