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2017 | t. 18, z. 6, cz. 2 Firmy rodzinne - rozwój teorii i praktyki zarządzania | 9--27
Tytuł artykułu

Wpływ rodziny na prowadzenie przedsiębiorstwa rodzinnego (na podstawie badań polskich firm rodzinnych)

Treść / Zawartość
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The Impact of the Family on Running a Family Business (Based on Empirical Research of Polish family Businesses)
Języki publikacji
Obszarem niedostatecznie rozpoznanym, zdaniem autorki, jest zagadnienie wpływu rodziny na funkcjonowanie firm rodzinnych. W ocenie autorki jest to istotny obszar badawczy. Celem artykułu jest podjęcie dyskusji na temat wpływu rodziny na funkcjonowanie firm rodzinnych. Autorka przedstawia w artykule wyniki badań empirycznych z tego zakresu realizowanych w latach 2015-2016. (fragment tekstu)
The article raises the issue of the impact of the owner's family on running a family business. According to the author, this is an essential research area in Poland due to the fact that this issue has not been sufficiently explored yet. The author carried out a pilot empirical research from November 2015 to February 2016. The group of 154 family businesses which run their business in Poland was surveyed. The purpose of the research was to define the impact of the owner's family on running a family business. Specific research issues concern the impact of the family on making a decision in family businesses and in management, and also the impact of the owner 's family values and philosophy on running a family business. The results clearly demonstrate that the share of a family in the analysed areas of activity is significant in Polish family businesses (60% of respondents gave the answers "very high" or "rather high" to every question). According to the opinion of most respondents, the objectives of a family and a business are equally important (45,5%). 29,2% of respondents claimed that business objectives are on the first place for them while 1/4 of them claimed that family interests are more important than business objectives. The pilot research which was carried out is the introduction to further research in this area. (original abstract)
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