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2017 | nr 251 | 526
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Międzynarodowa konkurencyjność gospodarki polskiej na tle nowych krajów członkowskich Unii Europejskiej

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The International Competitiveness of the Polish Economy against the Background of the EU's New Member States
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Praca ma charakter teoretyczno-empiryczny. Ze względu na to, że większość opracowań poruszających problematykę konkurencyjności przyjmuje postać raportów z badań, zdecydowano się nie tylko na przeprowadzenie analizy empirycznej, ale również na osadzenie koncepcji konkurencyjności w teorii ekonomii oraz przedstawienie dyskusji toczącej się wśród ekonomistów na temat koncepcji międzynarodowej konkurencyjności gospodarki. Przyjęty cel pracy oraz studia literatury przedmiotu pozwoliły na sformułowanie następujących hipotez badawczych: realizacja strategii lizbońskiej oraz strategii "Europa 2020" przyczyniła się do poprawy konkurencyjności państw UE-10 oraz zmniejszenia dystansu dzielącego je od tzw. starych członków Wspólnoty (UE-15); spośród krajów UE-10 większy potencjał budowy przewagi konkurencyjnej wykazują większe gospodarki, takie jak Polska, gdyż dzięki efektom skali wydają się one bardziej atrakcyjne dla zagranicznych inwestorów, którzy przez bezpośrednie inwestycje zagraniczne (BIZ) dokonują transferu nie tylko kapitału, ale także nowych technologii i metod organizacji produkcji; konkurencyjność polskiej gospodarki w znacznym stopniu opierała się na przewadze kosztowej wynikającej z niższych kosztów produkcji; obecnie ten rodzaj konkurencyjności traci na znaczeniu na rzecz rozwiązań zorientowanych na wzrost wydajności wynikający z zastosowania bardziej efektywnych metod produkcji; w latach 1994-2013 pozycja konkurencyjna polskiej gospodarki znacznie się poprawiła przy niewielkiej poprawie jej zdolności do konkurowania. Hipotezy badawcze zdeterminowały zakres problemowy niniejszej pracy, który ujęto w pięciu rozdziałach. (fragment tekstu)
The accession of Central and Eastern European countries including Poland to the European Union has challenged them to build economies capable of competing both on the single European market and global markets. The main purpose of this study is to determine the level of the Polish economy's competitiveness and assess its international competitive position in the period 1994-2013 compared to the other countries of Central and Eastern Europe that have between 2004 and 2007 joined the European Union. It also compares the results achieved by countries of the EU-10 with those of the EU-15 developed Community countries in order to establish the distance between the two groups. In the study, competitiveness is not addressed as an end in itself, but more as a tool to increase prosperity by strengthening the supply side of the national economy. Further, competitiveness should be viewed primarily as a process rather than a state, as in neoclassical economics, which focuses on the analysis of market structures. The research method applied for the article was created by W. C. Mitchell, head of the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER). This method, later developed by Kuznets, enriches the institutional analysis with statistical data. The collection and selection of statistical data and description and explanation of economic processes in the light of existing theories all play a key role. Using this method made it possible to move to a comparative analysis, which in this paper was limited to EU-10 countries. The monograph consists of five sections. The first chapter provides definitions. It examines the contradictions associated with the concept of international economic competitiveness, and the issues economists working in this field have debated. The main theoretical concepts of competitiveness are then presented and systematized. The second chapter reviews the methods and instruments that can be used to measure international economic competitiveness. It notes that a holistic picture of the problem requires consideration in the analysis not only of the competitiveness outcomes (ex post), but also - and these are no less important - the factors that determine the economic results the countries under consideration have turned in. The position that these countries occupy on the international arena depends on the potential of individual economies, i.e. their competitive ability (competitiveness ex ante). The third chapter characterizes the EU's main strategies, which show how the Community will develop and highlight the need for reforms that would increase the competitiveness of its individual countries. The fourth and fifth chapters present an empirical analysis that shows the shape of the position and competitiveness of the Polish economy in 1994-2013 compared with other countries of Central and Eastern Europe newly admitted to the European Union (EU-10). The countries are ranked on competitiveness rankings prepared by international institutions. Measures include macroeconomic stabilization indicators and indicators of the country's involvement in international exchange, such as: Poland's share in global exports and imports, revealed comparative advantage (RCA), intra-industry trade (IIT), cost-price ratios (terms of trade and the real effective exchange rate). Indicators of change in size, structure and efficiency of human and capital use, indicators to capture the quality of traditional and modern infrastructure and the quality of the institutional environment in the country, indicators showing the extent of the economy's internationalization and its ability to innovate. The empirical analysis showed that during the period under review, Poland significantly improved its economic performance, as its improved ex post competitiveness reflects. A number of factors attest to this improvement: the country reduced the development distances both to the developed countries of the Community and selected EU-10 countries. Further, it posted a positive GDP growth rate, and positive figures for inflation, unemployment, external debt and macroeconomic stability, foreign trade, and the structure of exports and imports. It also improved turnover in certain products and commodity groups, improved price competitiveness in 2008-2013 and increased the coverage of import value by export value. The analysis also shows that in 1994-2013, Poland only slightly improved its international factorial competitiveness. The main barriers to boosting the economy's ability to compete in the long run include: a systematic decline in the total population, a gradual decline in the working-age population, a low rate of occupational activity, too slowly changing employment patterns towards increased employment in the services sector, attaining moderate results in lifelong learning, low quality technical infrastructure, uneven-going processes related to the modernization of fixed assets, conditions for doing business in Poland, and the low ability of the Polish economy to create and absorb innovation. In addition to those mentioned above, the following determinants of building a competitive position were influenced by the following factors: improved quality of human capital, greater attractiveness of the Polish economy in terms of cost, positive changes in the sectoral structure of fixed assets, improved total productivity, increased attractiveness of the localization of the Polish economy through state policy, improved quality of institutions, and an improved level of internationalization in the economy. Finally, the study shows that Estonia was the most competitive country among all new Member States of the European Union in the years 1994-2013. Its FDI inflows per capita and relative to GDP were both high, and it also ranked very high on the economic freedom index (for developed EU countries), the highest EU-10 quality regulation and high government efficiency. Estonia is also catching up with global innovation leaders. The data used for the statisticial analysis were taken from the following databases: Eurostat, UNCTAD, OECD, UN Comtrade, and PASSPORT GMID and WEBCDM. CEICDATA.COM. (original abstract)
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