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Zaangażowanie pracownicze i podobne konstrukty : eksploracja niuansów konceptualnych (II)

Treść / Zawartość
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Employee Engagement and Similar Constructs : the Exploration of Conceptual Nuances (II)
Języki publikacji
Za cel publikacji przyjęto identyfikację konstruktów używanych do definiowania zaangażowania pracowników (ustalenie ich cech i treści). (fragment tekstu)
The aim of this publication is to identify the constructs use to define employee engagement (defining their features and content). The article is of epistemological cha-racter. In the researches of scientific literature articles on the employee engagement the content analysis was used. The systematization of knowledge on constructs used to describe employees engagement allowed to distinguishing employee engagement from similar constructs: organizational commitment, organizational engagement, job satisfaction, job engagement. The message of this article is to promote a group agreement on the differences among these constructs as the way to limit the confusion in the communication of the research findings and of fragmentary accumulating of knowledge. This article also contains the proposals for future researches which fit in the need of key solutions of researchers, which is finding of a reliable and universal measure of employee engagement. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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