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2017 | Vol. 15, z. 3 Minorities, diasporas, refugees in contemporary Europe | 91--111
Tytuł artykułu

De-bordering, Re-bordering and Integration of the Croatian Minority of Hungary

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This paper describes the identity, assimilation and loyalty issues concerning the Croatian community in Hungary. In the regions of Central Europe and the northern Balkans, several Catholic southern Slavic ethnic groups have developed, each with their own identities, and throughout the 19th and 20th centuries most of them joined the national integration of Croats. However, this integration process has not been completed in all cases, and several groups remain the subjects of political games between Croatian-Serbian and Croatian-Serbian-Hungarian players. The paper analyzes the national integration process of mainly the Bunjevci and Bosniak groups of the Croatian community in Hungary in the new re-bordering period.(original abstract)
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  • ---
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