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2018 | 23 (XXIII) | nr 25 (4) | 105--116
Tytuł artykułu

Government relations kak sovremennaâ forma političeskogo marketingav Ukraine

Warianty tytułu
Government Relations as a Modern Form of Political Marketing in Ukraine
Języki publikacji
The article is devoted to the analysis of theoretical and practical aspects of the implementation of Government Relations (GR) mechanisms in the system of political marketing in Ukraine. GR is considered in comparison with lobbyism, public relations and public affairs as elements of political marketing. The article notes that GR creates new opportunities for political marketing and ensures the coordination of the interests of power, business and civil society in Ukraine. In this sense, GR is an important mechanism for the democratic development of the country, as it enables businesses and civil society institutions to influence the formation of the architecture of power. The article concludes that GR in Ukraine is an important tool for dialogue between the state and business, which: the quality of government, conditions of competition, business development in general depend on. Such a dialogue requires legislative protection and mechanisms for making decisions binding on all parties on its basis. A future-oriented business expects, first of all, stable rules of the game from the authorities and their observance by all players. Currently, Ukraine has come a convenient time to unite the efforts of business and the state to form a civilized market of GR-services in the field of political marketing. The need to institutionalize the GR-specialist profession, the creation of a modern information space for the exchange of opinions between GR specialists and the promotion of civilized GR-technologies to corporate policy has also become topical. Obviously, this may contribute to the reduction of the corruption component in the interaction between government and business. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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