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2018 | nr 1 (ang) 100 Years Social Policy in Poland | 15--20
Tytuł artykułu

Social Policy During Poland's Membership in the European Union 2004-2017

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Języki publikacji
The publication is an analysis of the selected aspects of Polish social policy in 2004-2017, its endogenous and exogenous determinants, the results of political decisions on the state of development of key areas of social policy and their impact on access to social rights of Polish society. The subject of studies are such issues as the image of social development in Poland in the context of selected indicators, development of family and senior policy, the impact of Poland's accession to the European Union on the direction and scope of employment policy changes, labour market, social security, and efficiency of public administration, a dependence between the Polish social policy and economic emigration of Poles. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
  • University of Warsaw
  • Janusz Korczak Pedagogical University in Warsaw
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