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2019 | nr 264 | 313
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Koszty transakcyjne w procesach współtworzenia wartości przez konsumentów

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Transaction Costs in the Consumer in the Co-creation of Value
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Zgodnie z założeniami niniejsza praca ma charakter hipotetyczno-dedukcyjny i koncepcyjny Zaproponowany program badawczy na poziomie analiz mikroekonomicznych wpisuje się w szeroki nurt badawczy szkoły instytucjonalnej, która za najistotniejsze uznaje badania zachowań jednostek w ich instytucjonalnym otoczeniu prawnym, organizacyjnym i społecznym W pracy na różne sposoby usiłuje się wyjaśnić obserwowane zjawiska, podejmując próbę ustalenia zarówno znaczenia (podejście funkcjonalne) kosztów transakcyjnych po stronie konsumentów w procesach współtworzenia watości, jak i ich przyczyn (podejście genetyczne), oparte na relacji środków i celów, zakładające egzogeniczność przyczyn (jak wymiary transakcji, koszty transakcyjne) w stosunku do skutków (wybór formy współtworzenia wartości). W celu zbadania przyczynowości zjawisk zbudowano eksplanacyjny model strukturalny. Przyjmując założenie o kluczowej roli ludzkiego działania i instytucji w procesach społeczno-ekonomicznych, jako cel główny pracy przyjęto analizę i ocenę możliwości adaptacji dorobku nowej ekonomii instytucjonalnej (NEI), a szczególnie teorii kosztów transakcyjnych (TKT) do wyjaśnienia mechanizmów współtworzenia wartości z punktu widzenia konsumenta. Celami poznawczymi w szczególności są: identyfikacja czynników mających związek z zachowaniem konsumentów w procesach wymiany i powiązanie ich z kosztami działań, w tym kosztami transakcyjnymi, charakterystyka, na podstawie interdyscyplinarnych studiów literaturowych, ekonomicznych i pozaekonomicznych źródeł kosztów mogących mieć znaczenie w procesach transakcyjnych, poszerzenie pojęcia kosztu transakcyjnego na podstawie przyjętych twierdzeń ogólnych dotyczących istoty stosunków wymiany, tworzenia wartości i kosztów działania konsumentów. Praca ma charakter zarówno teoretyczny, jak i aplikacyjny. Prowadzone w niej rozważania i analizy mogą stanowić podstawę do poszerzenia obszaru wiedzy na temat czynników kształtujących zachowania konsumentów nie tylko w procesach wymiany, ale również w zarządzaniu wartością przedsiębiorstw. Uniwersalny charakter kosztów transakcyjnych może stanowić podstawę do poszerzenia koncepcji marketingowych opartych na łańcuchu tworzenia wartości i budowaniu relacji z nabywcami. Uwzględnienie problematyki współtworzenia wartości pozwala na analizę nowych modeli biznesowych opartych na sieci Internet i technologiach mobilnych, z uwzględnieniem kosztów transakcyjnych, a tym samym na analizowanie ich efektywności. Podjęta w tym zakresie próba wskazania możliwości i ograniczeń pomiaru i agregacji kosztów transakcyjnych na poziomie działania jednostek może stanowić podstawę do uwzględnienia tego aspektu w ewolucji istniejących systemów ewidencji i analizy kosztów działania podmiotów rynkowych. (fragment tekstu)
A characteristic feature of contemporary economic and social processes of the post- -modern era is the interpenetration of many areas of human activity, which also results in more and more interplay between scientific disciplines and a holistic approach to solving complex problems on a global scale. Along with the development of the Internet and mobile technologies, consumers' role in economic processes is changing. They are becoming an important link in the economic cycle. Their role does not amount to "destroying value" or consumption, but to being more and more often its creators. Ecological threats force a departure from the traditional approach to value creation processes in the global economy, based on the production-consumption sequence for an integrated approach known as the circular economy. In the circular economy, consumers are becoming more and more the co-creators of values and conscious participants in economic and social processes. The broadly understood effectiveness of modern processes depends not only on technological progress and production processes but also on exchange processes, in which consumers play an integral role. Research on the interactions and relationships between entities in the exchange processes requires a holistic approach. One of the interdisciplinary approaches developed in recent years, also within the framework of economics and management, is the institutional approach. A number of microeconomic theories have been developed as part of this multifaceted research area covering legal, social, political and economic aspects. Among the best known may be counted the theory of transaction costs and related agency theory and the theory of property rights. Developed by O. E. Williamson and others since the late 1960s, the theory of transactional costs is based on the frictions of exchange and the search for factors and causes of inefficiency at both the micro- and macroeconomic levels. In this work, transactional costs and consumers, who has to this point been ignored in this trend, is taken into account, as are the features of contemporary business models built on the concept of co-creating value. Numerous doubts on the basis of both theory and practice have been registered regarding the existence of transaction costs on the part of consumers and the role those costs play in the value-creation process. In the light of and in response to these, the main premise of this work is that many factors cause consumer-level transaction costs and have a significant impact on the efficiency of processes of exchange and the co-creation of value. The main hypothesis assumes that the lower the transaction costs, the more often consumers choose forms of co-creation of value in order to reduce it. The first chapter synthesises the main elements of the broad mainstream institutional approach. Analysis of the achievements of the main representatives of this approach, above all the New Institutional Economics (NIE), reveals a cognitive gap regarding consumer transaction costs. The second chapter presents the multi-aspect cost approach, building out the theoretical foundations which characterise the mechanisms and conditions for creating relations between entities and justifying the significance of value and the essence of exchange processes. From this point of view, the key factor in the description of the processes of exchange and value creation is transaction cost theory. One of the main research trends under NIE, transaction cost theory is discussed in the third chapter. Beyond behavioural sources of transaction costs, it should be pointed out that the issue of property rights is omitted in principle at the level of consumer choice and co-creation of value. Due to the popularity and the application of value, in-depth analysis and a broadening of the significance of the main elements of O. E. Williamson's model and its criticism were done. The main trends at work in the development of transaction costs modelling from different research perspectives, e.g. ecological or managerial perspectives, are also indicated. The fourth chapter discusses the contemporary determinants of the processes of co-creation of value related to globalisation, computerisation and other key social phenomena. Various marketing trends and approaches are presented, indicating the interdisciplinary nature of this area of theoretical and practical knowledge, which is deeply embedded in institutional, resource, service and exchange processes. This approach delves more deeply into the issue of value from the perspective of the operating unit, a concept broader than value for the client because it also assumes the processes of exchange and co-creation of value by consumers themselves. The multidimensional concept of value as a social, cultural and economic category allows us to look at the process of its creation and exchange from the point of view of the broadly understood concept of the effectiveness of operation and the structure of the individual's value system. The fifth chapter characterises the main areas and research programmes concerning transaction costs. Thanks to the adoption of the marketing concept as the leading orientation for the buyer, a number of research trends have been created. These have made a strong contribution to the NEI and transaction cost analysis, and include the issues of market communication, relational marketing, distribution channels and social and ecological aspects of marketing. Undoubtedly within the framework of marketing and in a sense, on the fringes of management science, the methodology of market and marketing research has developed while making extensive use of the achievements in the field of psychology, sociology, and statistics. On the basis of considerations and conclusions from previous chapters as well as the objectives and hypotheses laid out at the beginning of the work, a research model was built and a research method based on structural modelling was proposed. This method was previously applied in research on transaction costs. The factors with a potential impact on the creation and amount of transaction costs were expanded and combined with the processes of co-creation of value by users of the most popular social networking sites. The operationalisation of variables carried out for this purpose and the development of measurement scales allowed for the creation of a research tool in the form of a questionnaire survey used to conduct the research. The conclusion obtained from them and from the considerations throughout the work formed the premise for propose a comprehensive approach to identifying and measuring transaction costs at various levels and links in the value creation processes. The work is both theoretical and application-oriented. The considerations and analyses carried out could be applied to expand knowledge about the factors shaping consumer behaviour not only in the processes of exchange, but also in managing the value of enterprises. It is the result of the author's long-term research work, his practical experience and the achievements and research traditions associated with the management of exchange processes initiated several decades ago, including by E. Garbacik, and continued by members of the Department of Trade and Market Institutions of the Cracow University of Economics. (original abstract)
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