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2019 | nr 265 | 346
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Budżetowe konsekwencje żywiołowego rozprzestrzeniania się miast dla samorządów gminnych

Warianty tytułu
Urban Sprawl and the Budgetary Consequences for Municipal Governments
Języki publikacji
Prezentowana praca poświęcona jest budżetowym konsekwencjom zjawiska, które w literaturze określane jest jako urban sprawl (rozlewanie się miasta). Zjawisko to można przedstawić jako rozproszoną przestrzennie lokalizację zabudowy w gminach otaczających miasta na skutek niekontrolowanych procesów suburbanizacyjnych. Prezentowana monografia podejmuje dwa zasadnicze cele: poznawczy i metodyczny. Cel poznawczy wiąże się z oceną wpływu żywiołowego rozprzestrzeniania się miast na sytuację budżetową gmin, których dotyczy. Cel ten można uszczegółowić, starając się zidentyfikować mechanizmy finansowe zachodzące w budżetach gmin, które wiążą się ze zjawiskiem żywiołowego rozprzestrzeniania się miast, w tym szczególnie siły, kierunku i form struktury przestrzennej oddziałującej na budżet gminy. Przyjęto również hipotezę badawczą zakładającą, że żywiołowe rozprzestrzenianie się miast w Polsce niekorzystnie wpływa na sytuację budżetową gmin, których dotyczy. Ponieważ zjawisko to obejmuje różne, negatywnie oceniane formy zagospodarowania przestrzennego, badania będą pogłębione o określenie oddziaływania budżetowego form zagospodarowania. Umożliwi to nie tylko ocenę wpływu żywiołowej struktury przestrzennej obszarów miejskich na budżety gmin, ale również identyfikację wrażliwych pod względem budżetowym form omawianego zjawiska. (fragment tekstu)
This book examines the budgetary consequences of "urban sprawl", the spatially dispersed location of buildings in municipalities surrounding cities due to uncontrolled suburbanisation. A number of economic models and theories have been put forward to explain the processes of spatial change in urban areas, including suburbanisation. However, no concepts have been elaborated to explain the suburbanisation characterised by spontaneity and the disorder of buildings in space. The book has two objectives. First, to assess the impact of the spontaneous spread of cities on the budgetary situation of the communes that are home to them. Second, it proposes a method for assessing urban sprawl. It also explores the hypothesis that the spontaneous spread of cities in Poland adversely affects the budgetary situation of their municipalities. There are five chapters. The first three are theoretical and explain the spontaneous growth of cities, the ramification of that growth on municipality budgets, and selected theoretical concepts that shed light on the financial effects of spatial changes in urban areas. The first chapter examines "urban sprawl" as a phenomenon and process, its features, causes and consequences. The historical and territorial context of the phenomenon are also highlighted. The second chapter explains urban sprawl using selected models and theories, thus acquainting the reader with further research in selected theoretical concepts, particularly the division of concepts into two classes. The first is the natural evolution theory of the urban area. The second is a group of fiscal and social theories that distinguish external effects and often bear original names, which have been adopted in the subject literature of the subject ("flight from blight" and "voting with your feet", for example). Because theoretical models are a simplification of reality, and do not always adequately explain the phenomena prevailing from country to country, it is essential that they be made real. This is the purpose of the third chapter, which presents in detail the development of the mechanisms binding budgets of territorial units, especially Polish ones, with various spatial phenomena. The fourth and fifth chapters, on the other hand, provide empirical evidence to help achieve the book's goals and its hypothesis. The fourth chapter proposes a quantitative approach to measuring the disruptive spread of cities together with empirical exemplification. Proposed here is the development and adaptation to Polish conditions of the method of spatial structure morphology assessment using a grid of squares with sides of 1 km and 500 m, which in 2001 for spatial economy was introduced by G. Galster, and which today is valued among researchers throughout the world. This method makes it possible to quantify and assess urban sprawl in terms of the spontaneous distribution of buildings in space. For designated urban areas of voivodeship capitals, using square grid, spatial structure morphology indices including density, continuity, concentration, clustering, centrality, nuclearity and mixed uses were calculated. Such quantified features of the spatial structure of each of the analysed communes became the input variables for the research presented in the fifth chapter. For that research morphological features were subjected to the study of relationships with several dozen income-expenditure budget categories reflecting the financial situation of municipalities. Identification of the relationships between spatial and budget indicators were identified on the basis of a number of statistical methods and techniques, including, in particular, the use of canonical analysis. The conclusions the book presents can be divided into two groups. The first concerns the assessment of the morphology of the spatial structure of Polish urban areas. In the average assessment, the level of urban sprawl in Poland is moderate. Important urban areas, however, differ in the degree to which they have spread spontaneously. In the assessment of the morphology of Polish urban areas, the configuration of space is expressed as a moderate distance from the core city. The nature of urban areas is generally monocentric, but there are areas with polycentricity. The buildings are located at a fairly high degree of continuity, and at the same time are concentrated in relatively small areas. The internal composition that defines the fulfillment of the arrangement of the spatial structure indicates that urban areas are relatively densely built-up, while the level method of grouping buildings into compact settlements can be assessed as high. At the same time, this type of development is associated with a high ratio of residential neighbourhoods and agricultural buildings. However, the diversity between individual urban areas proved quite thorough, distinguishing areas with a more clearly, negatively valued domination of specific morphological features. The second group of applications concerns budgetary consequences at the municipal level from the spontaneous spread of cities. Here, the hypothesis that urban sprawl in Poland adversely affects the budgetary situation of the communes concerned was borne out by the weighting of the budgetary impact factors. The first of those factors concerns the observation that spontaneous suburbanisation increases the commune's income potential, which has a positive dimension. However, communes' own revenues, increased by migrations and building development, are not effective in balancing the expenses caused by the spontaneous spread of cities. In municipalities with a spontaneous spatial structure, a higher inefficiency of income in financing expenses for the repayment of debt was also observed. In addition, urban sprawl causes negative budget mechanisms including the zero infrastructural gap and push-out effect. (original abstract)
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