Warianty tytułu
Commentary on Supreme Court resolution of 20th June 2017, case no. III CZP 114/14 (OSN C 2017 no 12, 130), adopted by 7 judges - on the damage caused by a dog used by a farmer on the agricultural farm in the light of the article 50 para. 1 of the compulsory liability insurance, Polish Guarantee Fund and Polish Motor Insurers' Bureau act
Języki publikacji
Przepis art. 50 ust. 1 ustawy z dnia 22 maja 2003 roku o ubezpieczeniach obowiązkowych, Ubezpieczeniowym Funduszu Gwarancyjnym i Polskim Biurze Ubezpieczycieli Komunikacyjnych (tekst jedn.: Dz. U. 2016, poz. 2060 z późn. zm.) ma zastosowanie do szkód wyrządzonych przez psa wykorzystywanego przez rolnika użytkowo w gospodarstwie rolnym.(fragment tekstu)
The purpose of this article is to comment on the Supreme Court resolution dated 20th June 2017, case no. III CZP 114/16 (OSNC 2017 no 12, 130) and adopted by 7 judges. This resolution addresses whether article no. 50 of the Act on compulsory liability insurance, Polish Guarantee Fund and Polish Motor Insurers' Bureau should be applicable to the damage caused by a dog used by a farmer. In the author's view, the Supreme Court properly indicated, that if the circumstances of the case are such that there is sufficient evidence, to show that the dog would be considered as an element of the agricultural farm, then as a result and there is a link between the damage and the possession of the agricultural farm - and as a consequence the insurer, following the duty derived from art no. 50, must compensate for the damage.(original abstract)
- Uniwersytet Gdański
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- Orlicki M., Ubezpieczenia obowiązkowe, Wolters Kluwer, Warszawa 2011.
Typ dokumentu
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