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2019 | vol. 15, iss. 2 | 304--324
Tytuł artykułu

Effects of Green Marketing Strategy on Firm Financial Performance : the Moderating Role of Government Policy

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The present study follows two main theories - stakeholder and resource-based view - in order to understand the relationships of green marketing strategy and firm performance, and evaluate the moderating role of government policy in this interconnection. The paper aims to explore effects of green marketing mix strategy to overall performance and financial performance of firms using the case of car dealers in Jordan. To meet this aim, the present research collects data from 386 green car dealers in Jordan. The study performed structural equation modelling (SEM). The research has found that the effects of size, education, experience, product, distribution, physical evidence, process on the firm overall performance and the effects of age, product, and promotion on the firm financial performance are significant and positive. The analysis has found that government policy has a moderating effect on the influence of education and green marketing strategy on the firm overall performance.(original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
  • Jadara University, Jordan
  • Jadara University, Jordan
  • Hashemite University, Jordan
  • Jadara University, Jordan
  • Middle East University, Jordan
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