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The purpose of the presented article is to resolve the issue of the existence of the common European standard regarding the blasphemous speeches and examine its efficiency for pos-sible mechanisms of resolving the conflict between freedom of expression and freedom of religion. The presented analysis will be commenced with reference to the judicial practice of the European Court of Human Rights regarding the tension between freedom of expression and freedom of religion with respect to blasphemy. By virtue of such an analysis, the author formulates the hypothesis of the considerable diversity among the States of the Council of Europe as far granting priority for one of the aforesaid freedoms in case of blasphemy is con-cerned. A second question refers to the influence of the said diversity for the efficiency of pro-tecting both of the following: freedom of expression and freedom of religion. Subsequently, the author will analyse the domestic regulations of Italy, Ireland and Austria to illustrate the occurring differences as well as to search for the optimal model of protection. The author will also refer to the pronouncements of the selected representatives of human rights doctrine. We shall conclude with formulating recommendations for increasing the efficiency of the com-mon European standard regarding the presented issue. The author will rely mainly on legal dogmatic methodology with reference to the actual wording of the legal regulations as well as judicial practice of the European Court of Human Rights as well as comparative analysis to unveil similarities and differences within presented States' legal systems.(original abstract)
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