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2019 | nr 50(1) | 151--174
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Contribution of "Folia Turistica" Journal to the Development of Research and Popularisation of Economic Knowledge in the Scope of Tourism

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Purpose. The aim of the considerations is to evaluate the contribution of scientific articles published in the "Folia Turistica" journal in the years 1990-2018 to the development of research and popularisation of economic knowledge related to management at the micro, mesoand micro-economic level.
Method. For the implementation of the presented objective, scientific articles have been singled out - of all the works published in the given journal - the issues of which form part of the scope of economic sciences. Then, qualitative (expert) analysis of the content of these articles was performed in terms of the research problems undertaken in them, the methods applied for their solution and the results obtained in this manner. Attention was particularly paid to the methodological correctness of the analysed texts and their contribution to the development of economic reflection on the tourist activity of a human being - taking the state of economic knowledge appropriate for the times in which individual articles were created into account.
Findings. As a result of the above procedure, more than 40 scientific articles, strictly economic in nature, published in "Folia ..." were distinguished. These articles were grouped into 6 thematic blocks, which - in general - concerned: (1) the concept of "tourism economy", (2) macro-economic issues, (3) tourist demand and consumption, (4) tourist region, including sustainable development, (5) the competitiveness of hotel enterprises, and (6) knowledge transfer. Analysis of the content of articles included in each of these thematic blocks revealed that the works published on the pages of "Folia ..." create a broad, yet at the same time, coherent, even comprehensive collection of considerations in the field of tourism management. It is also worth noting that the authors publishing their works in the journal often undertook issues that, at the time of their publication, were innovative; a similar remark concerns the research methods used by them.
Research and conclusions limitations. The assessment of articles in the field of economic sciences published in "Folia ..." is qualitative (expert), thus the formulated conclusions are characterised by subjectivism.
Practical implications. The results of the analysis presented here and the conclusions drawn from them may prove to be useful for the editorial team of the "Folia Turistica" journal - indicating the right directions for undertaking initiatives related to the publishing of thematic issues with an economic profile.
Originality. The article contains an analysis of existing texts. However, due to the ordering nature and the critical view of the texts mentioned in it, it is an original study - relevant to the evaluation of one of the oldest tourist journals in Poland on the development of economic reflection on spatial mobility of people. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
  • University of Zielona Góra
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