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2019 | 33 | nr 3 Przemiany sektora usług transportowych i turystycznych = Transformations in the Sector of Transport and Tourism Services | 148--158
Tytuł artykułu

Valorization of Geosites in Western Tatra Mountains (Chochołowska Valley) with Focus on Tourist Activity of People with Physical Disabilities

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In this work, we present the results of valorisation of geosites for the geotourist path in the lower part of the Chochołowska Valley, with particular emphasis on tourist activity of people using wheelchairs and elderly people with motor disabilities. Five geosites were valorized: (1) Siwiańskie Turnie Outcrop, (2) Wielkie Koryciska Rock Gate, (3) Chochołowski Stream Riverbed, (4) Niżna Chochołowska Gate, (5) Chochołowskie Karst Spring. Selected geosites are easily accessible by people with limited mobility, including wheelchairs. They are located along a wide, flat asphalt road on the distance of 3.5 km and the altitude difference of 100 metres. Various sedimentary rocks, such as limestones, marls, and dolomites can be seen in geosites. These rocks represent two geological-tectonic structures, the so-called: Choč Nappe (geosies: Siwiańskie Turnie Outcrop, Wielkie Koryciska Rock Gate) and Krížna Nappe (geosite Niżna Chochołowska Gate). Two more characteristic phenomena can be observed: hydrogeological phenomena related to the karst processes seen in Chochołowskie Karst Spring, and geomorphological phenomena observed in Chochołowski stream riverbed. The results of valorisation showed that the evaluated geosites of the geoturistic path have very high geotouristic values. This indicates that the lower part of the Chochołowska Valley has a high geotouristic potential for people using wheelchairs and elderly people with motor disabilities who already are, or want to become active geoturists. Benefit of creating of this type of geotourist paths is the expansion of the tourist offer and the development of services in the Podhale region, with particular emphasis on the people with physical disabilities.(original abstract)
  • Pedagogical University of Krakow, Poland
  • Pedagogical University of Krakow, Poland
  • Pedagogical University of Krakow, Poland
  • Pedagogical University of Krakow, Poland
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