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2019 | nr 50(1) | 217--237
Tytuł artykułu

The Contribution of "Folia Turistica" to the Development and Popularisation of Philosophical Research on Tourism

Treść / Zawartość
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Języki publikacji
Purpose. A review and discussion of philosophical works published in the "Folia Turistica" journal and the categorical, thematic and problematic contribution of philosophical reflections contained in them to multidisciplinary research on tourism.
Method. Query of 49 issues of "Folia Turistica", selection of articles and reviews on tourism from the perspective of philosophical disciplines or selected philosophical concepts. Analysis, comparison, interpretation oriented towards an existential sense, values and ideas, synthesis.
Findings. The review of philosophical publications in the "Folia Turistica" journal has demonstrated the quantitatively and qualitatively significant contribution of philosophical approaches, interpretation and conceptualisation of tourism and the mobility of human travel to tourism research. The specificity of the philosophical problematisation of the phenomenon of travel consists in highlighting and analysing its ideal, essential, existential, epistemic and symbolic qualities and meanings that find its significance in the axiological preferences, in the area of intentionality, attitudes and experiences.
Research and conclusions limitations. The work is limited to the description and comparative analysis of articles published on the pages of one journal, its results and generalisations are, therefore, not a universal concept.
Practical implications. Promotion of the "Folia Turistica" journal in the Polish and global academic debate on the multi-faceted phenomenon of tourism. Outlining the philosophy of tourism as an innovative and inspirational field of research.
Originality. The work is a discussion and interpretation of publications of other authors-philosophers, but it contains elements of independent interpretation and synthetic recapitulation.
Type of work. Presentation, description and qualitative interpretation of theoretical analyses of tourism in the field of philosophy and its sub-disciplines, as well as investigations conducted from the perspective of selected philosophical positions (phenomenology, hermeneutics, existentialism, metaphysics of hope, etc.). (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
  • University of Physical Education in Kraków
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