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2008 | Performance Measurement in Public Organisations: the Theory and the Practice of the Health Care Sector | 135--170
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Linking Performance Measurement and Organisational Effectiveness: Toward a Managerial Theory of Public Organisation Survival and Growth

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The purpose of our study was to contribute to theory by resolving the uncertainties regarding the effects of organisational effectiveness measures on public management outcomes. Our overarching question was this: How do performance measurements help or hinder organisational effectiveness in public sector? More specifically, how important are contents of measures for facilitating organisational exploration and exploitation? Further, does the pattern (structure) of performance measures have implications for public organisation growth and survival? Also, is a performance measurement process in a public organisation associated with organisational effectiveness? In addition to the questions about main effects posed above, we asked the questions about moderators that reflect contextual concerns. Does the accumulated evidence support the idea that distinctive features of public management influence (strengthen or weaken) feasibility of performance measurement system? Does the characteristics of high-performing organisation change necessity or potency of performance measurement system on organisational effectiveness in public sector? (fragment of text)
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