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Research on Cultural Tourism in the World: Critical Review of Science: Articles Published in 2008-2018
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Z okazji 10-lecia czasopisma Turystyka Kulturowa, autor dokonał przeglądu publikacji światowych dotyczących turystyki kulturowej. Celem artykułu jest diagnoza aktualnego stanu badań nad turystyką kulturową na świecie. W pracy sformułowano następujący problem badawczy: Jaki jest stan badań nad turystyką kulturową na świecie? Problem główny sprecyzowano za pomocą trzech problemów szczegółowych: (1) Które rodzaje turystyki kulturowej są przedmiotem badań naukowych? (2) Jakie metody badawcze wykorzystywane są w badaniach? (3) Jakimi problemami zajmują się badacze w swoich pracach? Analizie poddano 107 artykuły opublikowane w latach 2008-2018 w czasopismach Tourism Management i Annals of Tourism Research. Zastosowano jakościową analizę danych z wykorzystaniem programu NVIVO. Posumowano główne osiągnięcia oraz zaproponowano kierunki dalszych badań w dziedzinie turystyki kulturowej. (abstrakt oryginalny)
On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Turystyka Kulturowa (Cultural Tourism) journal, the author reviewed world publications on cultural tourism. The aim of the article is to diagnose the current state of research on cultural tourism in the world. The following research problem was formulated in the paper: What is the state of research on cultural tourism in the world? The main problem was specified by means of three specific problems: (1) Which types of cultural tourism are subject to scientific research? (2) What research methods are used in research? (3) What are the problems the researchers deal with in their work? The analysis included 107 articles published in 2008-2018 in Tourism Management and Annals of Tourism Research. A qualitative data analysis using the NVIVO software was applied. Main achievements have been summarized and directions for further research in the field of cultural tourism have been proposed. (original abstract)
- Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa w Poznaniu
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- Andriotis K., 2009, Sacred site experience. A Phenomenological Study, "Annals of Tourism Research", s. 36(1), s. 64-84.
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- Brida J. G., Meleddu M., Tokarchuk O., 2017, Use value of cultural events: The case of the Christmas markets, "Tourism Management", nr 59, s. 67-75.
- Brown L., Arriaza Ibarra K., 2018, Commemoration and the expression of political identity, "Tourism Management", nr 68, s. 79-88.
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- Cahir D.A., Clark I.D., 2010, "An edifying spectacle": A history of "tourist corroborees" in Victoria, Australia, 1835-1870, "Tourism Management", nr 31(3), s. 412-420.
- Calver S.J., Page S.J., 2013, Enlightened hedonism: Exploring the relationship of service value, visitor knowledge and interest, to visitor enjoyment at heritage attractions, "Tourism Management", nr 39, s. 23-36.
- Camarero C., Garrido M.J., Vicente E., 2010, Components of art exhibition brand equity for internal and external visitors, "Tourism Management", nr 31(4), s. 495-504.
- Carson D., Carson D., Taylor A., 2013, Indigenous Long Grassers: Itinerants Or Problem Tourists? "Annals of Tourism Research", nr 42, s. 1-21.
- Chang R.C.Y., Kivela J., Mak A.H.N., 2011, Attributes that influence the evaluation of travel dining experience: When East meets West, "Tourism Management", nr 32(2), s. 307-316.
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- Cuccia T., Rizzo I., 2011, Tourism seasonality in cultural destinations: Empirical evidence from Sicily, "Tourism Management", nr 32(3), s. 589-595.
- de la Maza F., 2016, State conceptions of indigenous tourism in Chile, "Annals of Tourism Research", nr 56, s. 80-95.
- Della Dora V., 2012, Setting and Blurring Boundaries: Pilgrims, Tourists, and Landscape in Mount Athos and Meteora, "Annals of Tourism Research", nr 39(2), s. 951-974.
- Diekmann A., Hannam K., 2012, Touristic mobilities in India's slum spaces, "Annals of Tourism Research", nr 39(3), s. 1315-1336.
- Ferdinand N., Williams N.L., 2013, International festivals as experience production systems, "Tourism Management", nr 34, s. 202-210.
- Figini P., Vici L., 2012, Off-season tourists and the cultural offer of a mass-tourism destination: The case of Rimini, "Tourism Management", nr 33(4), s. 825-839.
- Franklin A., 2016, Journeys to the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao: Towards a revised Bilbao Effect, "Annals of Tourism Research", nr 59, s. 79-92.
- Frisvoll S., 2013, Conceptualising authentication of ruralness, "Annals of Tourism Research", nr 43(7491), s. 272-296.
- Frost W., 2010, Life changing experiences. Film and tourists in the australian outback, "Annals of Tourism Research", nr 37(3), s. 707-726.
- Getz D., 2008, Event tourism: Definition, evolution, and research, "Tourism Management", nr 29(3), s. 403-428.
- Goulding C., Saren M., Lindridge A., 2013, Reading the body at von Hagen's "body worlds", "Annals of Tourism Research", nr 40(1), s. 306-330.
- Guo Z., Sun L., 2016, The planning, development and management of tourism: The case of Dangjia, an ancient village in China, "Tourism Management", nr 56, s. 52-62.
- Hao X., Ryan C., 2013, Interpretation, film language and tourist destinations: A case study of hibiscus town, China, "Annals of Tourism Research", nr 42, s. 334-358.
- He Z., Wu L., Li X., 2018, When art meets tech: The role of augmented reality in enhancing museum experiences and purchase intentions, "Tourism Management", nr 68, s. 127-139.
- Higgins-Desbiolles F., Trevorrow G., Sparrow S., 2014, The Coorong Wilderness Lodge: A case study of planning failures inIndigenous tourism, "Tourism Management", nr 44, s. 46-57.
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- Hunter W.C., 2011, Rukai indigenous tourism: Representations, cultural identity and Q method, "Tourism Management", nr 32(2), s. 335-348.
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- Zhao S., Timothy D.J., 2017, Tourists' consumption and perceptions of red heritage, "Annals of Tourism Research", nr 63, s. 97-111.
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- Zhou Q.B., Zhang J., Edelheim J.R., 2013, Rethinking traditional Chinese culture: A consumer-based model regarding the authenticity of Chinese calligraphic landscape, "Tourism Management", nr 36, s. 99-112.
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