Tytuł artykułu
Warianty tytułu
Transport jako podstawa funkcjonowania inteligentnego miasta - przykład Szczecina
Języki publikacji
The aim of the article is an attempt to show the role of actions taken in the area of Smart Mobility in the process of shaping Smart City. The paper presents examples of cities from all over the world, which implemented Smart City model solutions into their functional structure. The examples mentioned above concerned mainly the implementation of innovative and effective technologies in the area of transport and mobility, while being safe for the natural environment. As an example from Poland, the city of Szczecin was chosen - indicating ways to apply similar (to those used in the largest metropolises of the world) solutions in the field of transport and mobility, enabling the city to introduce intelligent, sustainable and inclusive development of the local community, and ultimately conducive to improving the quality of its life. The research used desk research analysis, analysis of domestic and foreign literature on the subject, as well as Polish and European legal regulations controlling the procedures related to the subject of the research. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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