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Application of M.J. Eppler's Quality Framework to Evaluate Information Quality of the Websites of the State Higher Vocational Schools
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The article presents the evaluation of information quality on the websites of the State Higher Vocational Schools (PWSZ) in Poland. The information quality framework proposed by M.J. Eppler was adopted as a diagnostic tool to identify gaps in information quality. The assessment was conducted from the user's perspective. Firstly, the ranking of the PWSZ sites in Poland was created. Secondly, the criteria for the quality of information in the website infrastructure were analysed. The conclusions result in a statement that most websites demonstrate a low level of information quality. The scope of synthetic measures ranges from 60.0% to 90.8% which indicates a wide variation in the information quality of the websites. In addition, some problems in the area of infrastructure and content management processes related to the quality of information have been identified. Finally, based on the results, a scorecard has been created. The scorecard can be used to identify and monitor the level of information quality on the websites. The information quality was assessed using a questionnaire and automated online tools. (original abstract)
- Uniwersytet Opolski
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