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The detective service consists of obtaining and providing the information about persons, objects and events. For evaluation of quality of this kind of economic activity the basic criterion is true information. This article deals with the issue of the detective liability for providing false information during providing a detective service. It could be both the contractual liability as well as the tort liability. The main goals of this research is pointing out what kinds of damages may occur in the connection with the detective activity. Since one of the main duties of a detective is providing the true information, the detailed goal of this research is an explanation in what way false information may cause damage and what is the connection between false information and infringement personal interests, which are a private life, a honor, family ties (marital ties). In this paper the attention is drawn to the cases in which a personal interest is violated. They are torts, for which the detective may be sued not only by the person who is a party of detective service contract, but as well as by any person suffered from damages arising as the result of false information. The detailed goal for considerations relates to the issue of pointing out a professional standard of detective due diligence and legal premises of detective liability for damage arising from his negligent action, in particular from false information providing by him, and answer to the question how the detective can be released from this liability. For that it is necessary to introduce a pattern of reasonable detective and principles of proper performing detective services. They shape the standards of due diligence for a detective. The method used is analysis a legal regulations, juridical-cases and doctrine view in order to set out conclusion for future legislation.(author's abstract)
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Opis fizyczny
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- Civil Code called later: CC.
- The Act on Detective Services - called later: ADS.
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