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Research background: The study examines the degree of the utilization of the idea of co-creating value by companies, taking into account the forms of remuneration of consumers. Purpose: The paper presents the issue of co-creating value with consumers from the perspective of the motivation and rewarding of clients. The article discusses factors determining the collaboration between the business and the virtual community as well as issues related to the remuneration of consumers. Research Methodology: The study covered managers who received questionnaires, developed after previous verification in a pilot study. The survey was conducted from August to October 2016. The questionnaire was prepared in a Polish and English version. The questionnaire in the Polish version was completed by 157 participants, while the questionnaire in the English version was completed by 42 managers. In total, 199 questionnaires were registered, including 134 with complete answers, which were subjected to further statistical analysis. The calculations were carried out using the SPSS v. 21/24 package and Statistica v. 7.1. Results: Enterprises with a high rate of positive answers to questions about the benefits of value creation believe that consumers should work together without remuneration. However, one should remember about the limited value of the interpretation due to the relatively small sample size. Novelty: This paper focuses on the results of analyses taking into account the relationship between the attitudes of entrepreneurs towards rewarding consumers for their contribution to value creation and the attitudes of entrepreneurs towards the issue of cooperation. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- University of Lodz, Poland
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