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2019 | nr 3 (47) | 133--157
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Mentoring in Polish Nonprofit Organizations

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Mentoring is used by enterprises as an effective method of developing the competences of their employees. The purpose of the article was to determine the areas of application of mentoring in nonprofit organizations. The authors conducted a systematic review of the issue, which highlighted that there are few publications on this topic. On the basis of this review, a theoretical framework was prepared, which was further verified. Three areas of the application of mentoring in Polish nonprofit organizations were distinguished: staff development, the professionalization of the organization as a whole and the implementation of its stated mission principles or statutory goals1. Subsequently, 26 nonprofit organizations that use mentoring were selected and an analysis of the words contained on their websites was conducted (supported by IRAMUTEQ program). To triangulate data, a semi-structured interview with one of the surveyed organizations was conducted. An analysis showed that nonprofit entities use mentoring not only as a method of developing employee competences, but also to professionalize the entire organization as well as directly to achieve statutory objectives. In addition, it has been shown that Polish nonprofit organizations use both intra-sectoral and cross-sectoral mentoring. The research results may be the basis for further analyzes of the use of mentoring in nonprofit entities regarding its effectiveness in particular areas, as well as the relationships between various areas. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
  • University of Zielona Góra, Poland
  • University of Zielona Góra, Poland
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