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2019 | nr 1 (9) | 42--57
Tytuł artykułu

Exploring the Effects of Service Quality, Shipping Cost, Brand and Attitude on Consumer's Intention to Choose Express Courier Services in E-Commerce

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The growth of e-commerce has highlighted the importance of express courier service (ECS). We empirically study consumer's choice of ECS in purchasing goods online. This research aims to examine the effect of service quality (SQ), shipping cost, brand, and attitude towards customers' intention to choose ECS on e-commerce. This research was conducted using a quantitative approach among customers who intended their goods to be shipped using ECS. Data of 100 respondents were collected and then analyzed using the structural equation model technique. We fi nd that there is no correlation between SQ and shipping cost and the attitude towards choosing a courier service. However, the analysis indicates that brand has an infl uence on the customer's attitude towards choosing a courier service. Furthermore, the analysis suggests that the consumer's attitude towards choosing a courier service acts as a mediator between SQ, shipping cost, and brand as regards the consumer's intention to choose an ECS. It is worth noting that brand has a stronger infl uence on the consumer's attitude compared to the former factors.(original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
  • Graduate School of Communication Sciences InterStudi, Indonesia
  • Graduate School of Economics, Sebelas Maret University, Indonesia
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