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The notion that herder households only restrict their livelihood strategy to the rearing of livestock most often than not excludes the group from the right to access land for the agricultural activity they engage in. This study investigated the participation of herder households in sedentary agriculture (crop production) in Niger state, Nigeria. Findings from this study show that herder households in the study area are no longer strictly livestock keepers; they participate in crop production just like crop farmers who also combine the cultivation of crops with livestock keeping. The results also revealed that most herder households (66%) that engage in crop production cultivate cereals; other crops cultivated by herder households in the study area include tuber crops (22%) and vegetables. Regarding herder household farm outputs, most of the harvests are at the subsistence level, with the harvests ranging between 300 kg and 750 kg. Identified drivers of herder households' participation in crop production include: duration of stay in a particular locality, increase in household size, economic motives (grain price), and reducing the dependence on crop farmers for food supply. Therefore, this study recommends that interest of herder households in cultivating crops be sustained and encouraged. The participation of herder households in crop production will enhance their own food security status in the first instance and throughout the area in general. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University, Nigeria
- Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University, Nigeria
- Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University, Nigeria
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