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2019 | nr 1(12) | 109--123
Tytuł artykułu

Between Political Apathy and Political Passivity. The Case of Modern Russian Society

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Języki publikacji
It is safest to remain agnostic as to whether the Russian society is completely active or passive. What counts in favour of the former view is the high voter turnout, whereas a low level of involvement in political life should make us rather incline towards the latter. The research focuses on determining the extent of activity/passivity of the Russian society in the years 2000- 2012. The results of the analysis revealed a degree of participation of the Russian citizens in the electoral decision-making process and their involvement in political life. It constituted an answer to the question: to what extent Russian legislation allows society to participate in the political life, by estimating a political activity index (Wap(ap)). Additionally, the political activity correlate index (Wap(k)) was checked, which enables us to correct the obtained result on the basis of legal provisions according to the real dimension of the Russian political activity.(original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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