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The article attempts to present what seems to be of critical importance to the planet in terms of the influence on the life of all of us, namely the current changes occurring in the Arctic, as well as tries to show how complex the issue is. The work also tries to prove that the leading entity governing the Arctic, i.e. the Arctic Council is slowly turning into another unmanageable institution, not unlike the United Nations. In addition, the work endeavors to describe briefly the extremely aggressive policy of China towards the Arctic, a fairly new country with the permanent observer status in the Arctic Council wishing rather desperately to obtain a "chunk of the pie" in the division of Arctic riches, seemingly targeting especially Greenland as of late. The author attempts to present the complexity of international relations and diversified interests of separate countries and organizations, as well as evaluates some potential developments in the Arctic geopolitical sphere.(original abstract)
- Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce, Poland
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