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Since returning to the post of prime minister in 2012, Abe Shinzō has been promoting Ja-pan's active posture in maintaining international stability in the Asia-Pacific. Abe's vision of the new international order in the region has been based on Tokyo's alliance with Washing-ton, both in the security and economic spheres. Through legalizing Japan's participation in collective self-defense pacts and through revising the Guidelines for Japan-US Defense Co-operation in 2015, Abe strengthened the Japan-US alliance. In parallel, he promoted Japan's participation in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), which; however, was realized as Com-prehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership without Trump admin-istration's participation. In addition, Tokyo has been negotiating Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), Japan-China-Republic of Korea Trilateral Free Trade Agree-ment, and Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific. The article argues that while initially the Jap-anese prime minister's regional initiatives were aimed at counterbalancing China's rise, they gradually started putting more emphasis on engaging China in international cooperation. Applying a neoclassical-realist methodology, this study examines both the international and the domestic determinants of Japan's shift in approach towards the new international order.(original abstract)
- University of Lodz
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