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Political communication is a major factor in the democratisation of power relations, since the latter are based on public policy, ensuring a constant interconnection between political actors at all levels. Through political communication, it is possible to overcome the tensions that stymie the democratisation of society. The article is a critical examination of the present-day communication interaction between the citizens and the government of Ukraine. The term developed here to describe this phenomenon is the communication discord between the citi-zens and the government provoked by the heterogeneity of interests and goals of society and factors associated with the activity of the government. Communication policy of the gov-ernment is aimed at involving citizens in the decision-making process while communication activity of the citizens is oriented on the formation of public opinion, the exchange of ideas and arguments and, later on, on the influence on the government and the decision-mak-ing process. The distinction of these two communication processes is also facilitated by the tendency of mediatisation of communications in the modern world, related to technical development, the Internet and social media. What is researched in the present paper are the models of the communication interaction between the government and society. Further-more, special attention is paid to the potential of social media in the political communication of the Ukraine's Government and the citizens. Finally, recommendations to improve the the political communication of the Ukraine's Government are developed.(original abstract)
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- Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine
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